RTD Recruitment
After starting my employment with the Regional Transportation District (RTD) in the Denver, we had a request to develop a recruitment campaign. Upon looking at the older creative, I found it to be very one-dimensional, lacking diversity and an awareness to the personas of the people and careers that were being recruited for. The previous creative, shown below, featured brightly colored backgrounds with individuals, mostly all Caucasian, in a very cheesy pose. To me, and others on the team, it was not relatable.
Our team then conducted interviews and created personas based around the demographics of the workers in these positions. After reviewing these personas, I created a vision for a video campaign that would pay homage to the important work that the mechanics and body shop employees do to keep the buses on the roads. I performed several walk-throughs of the shop with the direct supervisors and employees themselves, asking what they deemed as important and valuable.
I created the tagline “Move your city.,” as there was clear pride from the employees in what they did and how they were so important to keeping the region’s bus fleet working. I wanted to play into that pride and sense of ownership from the employees with this phrase, while keeping it ambiguous for whichever city in the region the employees were working.
Then, I selected one of our vendors, Lumenati, to help make my vision come to life. Lumenati was incredible to work with and was able to see my vision clearly and use their talents to make it come to life. We selected two different sound tracks to be able to place the recruitment into a few different markets.. Also, we created 15 second and 30 second clips in order to place it on different channels.
Sadly, right as we were finalizing the campaign, COVID-19 landed on the world and we had to cut back on service, thus ending the push for recruitment.
Art Direction
Campaign Development
Copy Writing
Vendor and Budget Oversight

Previous recruitment ads
Image from video showing actual environment