University of Colorado Design and Print Department

Upon coming on board with the University of Colorado’s Design and Print department, it became very clear that there was very little marketing done for the department besides word-of-mouth based around the previous manager’s level of customer service. Then known as Printing Services, design was all but an afterthought and the revenue and trust in the department’s design services had fallen off over the years.
I began to speak to past clients, learn about the issues they had faced, and offer to work with them personally in order to build up a renewed trust in the department. By doing this, I was able to examine the workflow, improve the processes, and determine how to grow the reach of the department’s design services, along with the print side.
After restructuring the department heavily, I hired two more designers, and decided to brand the department with a fingerprint mark, and the tagline of “Leave your mark.” This was an homage to the University’s impact on students, research, and the world. Also, I wanted to touch on the fact that we have the ability to positively impact people we come in contact with throughout each day.
We printed the brochure using a soft touch laminate on the cover, with a gloss UV treatment to create a very tactile feeling brochure. The follow-up piece was a folded brochure with our services on one side, and a quote that could be hung up on the other side.
Creative Direction